[TedUka] Case study

csr spinozzi
6 min readJun 5, 2020

Teachers helping teachers

By César Spinozzi, Marta Liarte, Candela Dal Pont, Diego Gaspar y Aitziber Irisarri. Thank you very much to the Institutions that participated and the friends that we have made! 🌎

Original post in spanish by Aitziber. A genius.


Challenge completed β€” Since March 23 to April 29, 2020

Nowaday, COVID-19 affects everyone, our health, families, economy, and business. It forces us to stay inside home, flooding us with an overwhelming sense of uncertainty.

UXER SCHOOL, calls design global community to work together to reduce this sense of uncertainty!.

We used HUMAN CENTERED INNOVATION or DESIGN THINKING to define the challenge that could help different sectors, public or private. We are going to help those Heroes Without Cape that fight everyday to keep others normalized.

How could we help to improve this situation?

March 23, 2020, UXER SCHOOL in collaboration with TEAMLABS/ poses the playground.

900 participants sign up on the challenge. We created the teams according to our own interests on the themes and the titles.

The themes we could select were: vulnerable people, health and sanity, education, work, information, isolation and back to normality.

In our case, How to convert an analog teacher into a digital teacher in 48hs?

The project finishes on April 29, 2020. Duration: 5 weeks.

[START] Our project: Transform teachers in 48h! 😁

At first we met to get to know us each other and organize our methodology. More than half of the team were teachers.

We created a slack group to communicate; and made video meetings to know us and organize the task according to each one’s skills.

We set when and how much time we will dedicate to this project. Everybody made incredible efforts. πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ

Fase 1 β€” Understanding

We start immediately with a survey and interviews looking for answers.

  • Who is our user?
  • What does being an analogic teacher mean?
  • What to be a digital teacher means?
  • How could we make this transformation easy?

We had a wide variety of users. The differences were according the level of education, the assignatures, students quantity, et.

Someone’s teached in the cities and others in farm areas without internet and necessary devices.


  • 160 teachers around the world participated in the survey in only 2 days.
  • 9 interviews were made at the beginning to reach first insights.


  • 🀲🏻 Lack of resources by teachers and students.
  • ⏰ Unnecessary time to be formed for online teaching.
  • πŸ“Ί Unknowing about the tools
  • πŸ‘¨πŸΌβ€πŸ­ Lack of knowledge and experience using digital tools by teachers and students.
  • πŸ—£ Unnecessary communication between members. Lack of feedback.

Participants proposed solutions:

  • 60% proposed formation in digital tools. πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸŽ“
  • 20% claim more resources from institutions. πŸ’°πŸ–₯πŸ“±πŸ“šπŸ“Ά
  • 4 suggest sharing their own experiences. πŸ‘―β€β™€οΈπŸ•ΊπŸ»πŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸ€³πŸ»

Cesar, synthesize our ideas and helps to make it easy and unify our perspectives into one. We had a road.

We clarify Pain Points between students-teachers-tools triade. Communication problem between teachers and institution. Communication problem between students and parents. Ignorance of existence of tools by the teachers. Like slack, notion, twist, discord, for this case. The tools are out there but they didn’t know them.

So, how to transform an analogic teacher into a digital one in 48hs?

We could group users problems into 5 topics. Also designated tools that could be useful for them.

  • Webinars β€” streamlayrs, streamlabs, obs studio, be live, instagram, youtube
  • Videocallings β€” zoom, meet, jitsi, gotomeeting, livestorm, crowdcast, whereby, freeconference, demio
  • Communications β€” slack, notion, twist, discord
  • eLearning β€” moodle, classroom, teams, thinkific, udemy
  • Collaborative tools β€” google drive, mural, miro, dropbox, mindmaster, mindomo, mindnode, trello, asana

Here is an incredible complete list with all kinds of tools for example, https://bit.ly/3gZz0NF. In this case this user also is trying to solve the same problem than us with other cand of practical solution. You do it great πŸ‘πŸΌ !

Users Personas.

Fase 2 β€” Defining first solution idea

We started the second week sketching everyone’s first ideas and creating crazy 8’s. The next week we combined all the possible ideas of each crazy 8’s into a general possible solution.

Diego make up the name TedUka and proposed something really interested.

What people need is a methodology to learn, could we create one.

Fase 3 β€” Decide and ideate

We voted on features based on value proposition. Mentoring could be the most interesting option. We take into consideration users’ support of this idea.

They will need a platform to interact with others. We decided the best way is a web platform. We create a feature prioritization board.

The methodology need a philosophical and cultural creation. For this project no was created for lack of time. So we focus on our second most important feature, mentoring.

Fase 4 β€” Ideation

Create a platform to let teachers teach each other the tools that they already know and learn about new ones. Share their experiences. Somebody around the world is spending time helping us.

The participants found very interesting the idea of meeting other teachers from other parts of the world that reached the same signature in the same level of education than them.

We didn’t want to invent the wheel so we decided to use actual tools to resolve some of the functions. We proposed Calendly to create meetings between users, Jitsi to create video calling places and Slack to create something similar to a forum.We wanted to integrate them to this platform with web page format.

Fase 5 β€” Prototyping

Before prototyping and in parallel, we consider to make an empathy map and value proposition. The pressure was huge but we wanted to check we still in correct way. We need a prototype to test urgently. Marta starts to do a Lo-Fi.

Fase 6 β€” Iteration and Testing

The week was finishing and varely we had a lo-fi. We didn’t finish the prototype. Cesar didn’t sleep so fine that night but we had now the first proto to start testing, great πŸ₯±.

Cande makes this video to explain this step. Between these nobody sleeps too much.

We tested with 4 users each one:

  • The feedback was very positive about the solution presented.
  • Also show misconfusion with screens. We realize that we could join learning and teaching profiles into just one personal profile.
  • We had to improve the users flows, process and features. Also we need to improve the aesthetic of the tool.

Fase 7β€” Solution Presentation

Enthusiastic about feedback obtained, we decided to create a solution to present our work.

We must to:

  • Create a unique user profile
  • Avoid unnecessary login to access public clases
  • Reduce the categories. Add new ones if it is necessary.
  • Simplify image. Reduce color usage.

Here it is prototype 3.0 and a video. We hope it results interesting to you. Figma Prototype link.

Thank you very much to UXER SCHOOL andTEAMLABS/ for this beautiful experience. I want to congratulate this team from different parts of the world for the dedication everybody does.

Don’t forget to clap if you like this case! πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ



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